This is a game, built on top of a fairly boring straightforward author's website.
It's part scavenger hunt, part narrative, part fight-scene. The objective, of course, is to fight, and win, against the author.
Items are things you gather. They often look something like this:
(←if you've already entered a pseudonym, try clicking on the should see a message 'item added to inventory')
Destinations are places you visit
Actions are things you can do
As you play, new items/destinations/actions will be added to your inventory satchel.
Look for the numbers next to your Items, Destinations,and Actions in order to see how far along you are:

If you lose the game or wish to become someone else, hit the 'start over' button.
Tip Explore! Many peculiar things are clickable, hidden, or require a certain amount of time to be spent somewhere, or require interaction to work. And as you get deeper into the game, places that were once normal begin to alter.
If you spot any bugs, irregularities, surprises, etc - drop me an email: - thanks for visiting!